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This groundbreaking health guide could be the next big thing in Clickbank!

"The Cholesterol Breakthrough" program isn't just some plagiarised content taken from other books. It is solely researched and written by me. Everything is backed by scientific evidence and research, medical journals and books, and official medical websites.

Most cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack all stems down to atherosclerosis - the injury of the endothelial lining of the artery walls. However, most people would assume these underlying health conditions are caused by cholesterol alone!

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I'm pretty flexible on how anyone wishes to promote our products. However, there are 2 rules that must be followed:

First Rule: Do NOT create websites, or social media profiles pretending to be the official website of "The Cholesterol Breakthrough". Registering URLs to deceive others thinking it is an official website is not allowed (e.g: thecholesterolbreakthrough.org, the-cholesterol-breakthrough.com, .etc). However, registering URLs like "www.thecholesterolbreakthroughreview.xxx" are allowed.

Second Rule: Do NOT use accusatory clickbait titles like "The Cholesterol Breakthrough Review: WHAT A SCAM!". However, titles such as "The Cholesterol Breakthrough Review: Is it a scam?" and "The Cholesterol Breakthrough Review: Does It Work?" are allowed since it isn't negatively accusing the product.

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Email Swipes

Email Swipe #1:
Subject Line: Why Every One of Us Are At Risk For a Heart Attack and Stroke!

Email Swipe #2:
Subject Line: Pharmaceutical Companies Are Lying To Us!

Email Swipe #3:
Subject Line: The Truth about Cholesterol

Email Swipe #4:
Subject Line: This Information Could Save You And Your Love Ones!

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Tips & Suggestions

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